Run Faster Fun Friends


Spring Into Summer 2013 MDI E-Newsletter


Through Boston & Beyond!


(above) Long time top performer Marathon Dynamics runner Richard St. John en route to a 3:41 finish at the 2013 Boston marathon.  Like all of us who were there that day, he has a story to tell.  Click here to read on...

No matter what superlatives used, any description of the spring 2013 running season, is prematurely relegated to understatement. 

A brittle, brutal winter, and a perpetually procrastinated spring made for the toughest training season in recent memory.  And then the running community--and even much of the world beyond--was rocked by the Boston Bombings this spring. 

Here at home, those of us who ran Boston gathered ourselves, literally and figuratively, while the rest of the running community girded for their impending big goal races in May.

Despite out-of-the-blue sunny and hot weather arriving here in the GTA just in time for the double header (Goodlife and Mississauga) in early May, many MDI runners still managed HUGE personal best performances and otherwise great races...kudos crew!

This coming weekend's Ottawa, Whitby and Buffalo marathons, and the Women's Half here in Toronto mark the end of the spring season, right after which--no rest for the wickely PR hungry--the summer/fall campaign kicks into gear.  Don't know about you...but we can't wait!

We're eagerly looking forward to getting together with many of you at 3 different pub night parties over the next week to share stories and celebrate, and to bounce around dreams and ideas about next season too!

Click here for the 'highlight reel recap' of what truly was a season to remember.

For now, we've put together a jam-packed newsletter we hope you'll find informative, insightful, useful and perhaps even a little entertaining. 

Next season is just around the corner - new Customized Running Plans and our GTA Training Groups start up the first week of June, click here for details.

For those of you chomping at the bit to get started, we've got informal, early-bird, "Meet, Greet & Move Those Feet" (1 Mile trials) on Wednesday, May 29th at Central Tech HS in Toronto, and on Thursday, May 30th at Oakville Trafalgar HS in Oakville - 6:30pm at both locations.  RSVP ASAP click here if you'd like to join us.

See you soon!

Beware - The NON-Running Injury!

By Kevin Smith, Marathon Dynamics Running Coach

Rollerblade Coaster

Hey, we’re as up for trying new things as the next goof—and most of the coaches and runners at Marathon Dynamics are super-keen cross-training aficionados, to be sure.  We were sold long ago on its many benefits for runners.

That said, the last 5-6 years have ushered in a plethora of new-fangled activities which both support, and perhaps exploit, our fierce desire to improve as runners.

For better or worse, there is a mind-boggling array of new activities to strengthen our heart, legs, lungs and brain, purporting to augment our running ability.

Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, over those same period, coaching as we have between 500-600 runners, we can’t tell you the number of broken collar bones (cycling/triathlon), pulled groin muscles and bruised/broken ribs (hockey), slipped discs (strength training), hamstrung hamstrings (yoga), and freak kettle-bell mishaps we’ve encountered.  And then Cross Fit came along (shaking head...sigh).

Last summer while away on vacation, I fell prey to the vexing, lyrical beauty of the cross-training sirens (not the cross-dressing ones...that’s a whole ‘nother story!), and ill-advisedly attempted an EPIC inline speed skating (aka rollerblading) feat.  Amidst the picturesque countryside of beautiful Mt. Tremblant, Quebec, I embarked upon a solo “century skate” (100km), having never in my life skated further than 66km in one go.

Long story short – I made it, and upon completion, though I ached astoundingly in all the “right” places (lower back, butt, quads, hamstrings, feet, etc.), I exalted in my body’s ability to achieve such a feat.

It was only the next day, when I slipped on my running shoes for a very short and easy shake out run, and was met with a searing, intense pain at the top of my left heel, bottom of my Achilles, that I second-guessed my super-skate-of-all-time idea.

Believe it or not, it took over 5 full months for me to dig out from the rubble of that ankle-splosion!  A partially torn achilles tendon--the biggest "mis-skate" of my!

Despite weeks of stubborn and frustrating resting, rehabbing, cross-training like a demon, all the while trying  to keep my fall marathon aspirations alive, I was ultimately forced to abandon those fall race plans, and all because of 1 extra hour of youthful exuberance on my skates one beautiful summer morning.

Let’s face it – running is an extremely potent activity, replete with equally high risks and rewards.  For most of us, it’s all we can do to avoid frequent, repeated or prolonged encounters with RUNNING injuries, so let’s do all we can to avoid falling victim to NON-RUNNING injuries on top of that, shall we?

Top 5 Tips To Turn Running & Cross-Training Into BFFs!

Totem pole1 – Create yourself: well before you begin your season, establish your own totem pole of athletic priorities.  If your running is currently your main focus, then don’t spend more effort and intensity on (and recovery time from doing!) the “supporting cast” cross-training activities. However, if triathlon is the primary goal, then pure running can and should be bumped down the pole a few notches to make way for training for the equally important bike and swim elements.

We see many keen runners managing just 2-3 runs per week (who likely need 4 per week to improve) doing spin classes, yoga, and personal trainer strength session every week, in addition to other aerobic x-training, complaining they don’t have enough time to fit all their runs in?  Whaaa?

Educate2 – Educate yourself: read (books, online), watch (videos, webcasts) and listen (instructors, coaches, friends with experience, podcasts) to absorb as much info as you can about any new sport or activity you’re trying.

Take courses and lessons to help prevent accidents and common mistakes, and hasten training adaptation more quickly and effectively.

paceyourself3 – Pace yourself: don’t dive into new physical pursuits with the same vigor and intensity with which you run.  It’s likely taken months or years for you to hone and harness that sport-specific running ability, so allow enough learning curve time for your body to adapt properly to the new stress.

I’ve often been sidelined when restarting strengthening or aerobic x-training activities I may not have done for weeks or months. Sometimes even activities we’re very familiar with can be the most insidious running de-railers!

Ask yourself4 – Ask yourself: it’s not just WHAT you do, but HOW!  Your chosen type, duration, frequency and intensity of cross-training must match your goals, compliment your strengths and address your weaknesses.

If your running history is checkered with injury, then likely it’s your chassis that needs work, not your engine that needs amp-ing up, so use your precious time wisely, by biasing your cross-training activity to specific strengthening, mobility and flexibility exercise, as much or more than supplemental aerobic exercise.

Conversely, if the running report card shows few injury detentions, then spend as much or more “engine building” cross-training time as possible (ie. “get your heart rate up and keep it up” type of activities).

permission5 – Allow yourself: to let go of a particular activity (if running is more important!) if experience proves it’s inimical to your running development and success.

For many frustrating winters I tried unsuccessfully to balance hockey and intense run training. There were just too many “crossover” injuries between the two.  Much as I loved playing hockey, as I was about to turn 40 I really wanted to see what I was capable of as a ‘masters’ runner, so I made the difficult decision to let the hockey go for the time being.  Long story running has improved greatly over my hockey hiatus.

I eagerly anticipate returning to “old guy” hockey in the future (perhaps near future) but not until I’ve reached--or at least striven mightily for--my ambitious running goals!

Stubbornness is, to a certain extent, a blessing to distance runners, but it can also be a curse, pushing us straight into the pitfalls we most want to avoid.

Use these five tips to guide your cross-training approach this season, and you’ll elevate your running performance and enjoyment to a whole new level...we promise! 
KevKevin Smith is a full-time coach with Marathon Dynamics and a sometime elite masters distance runner, water running enthusiast, (hyper) active elliptical trainer-er, life cycle-ist, inline speedskater, hockey player, power walker, hiker, reluctant rock-climber, and skinny gym-monkey when not enjoying family time with his wife Sherri and son Sebastian!




Going "Au Naturel"

By Jennifer Faraone, Marathon Dynamics Running Coach

Homer naked runningNo not running naked, silly (though I bet now we've got your attention, hmmm? lol!)

With the winter/spring season wrapping up and the summer months approaching, now is a perfect time to look at what you typically consume both during and after your workouts, and to consider adding some more natural alternatives.

Let’s begin with my disclaimer right up front:  I am not a dietician or nutritionist; I am just a girl that loves to eat, yet needs to be cautious about what I consume as I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.   In addition, I simply like the idea of finding more natural and less processed alternatives to the off-the-shelf sports nutrition products. My own personal digestive issues aside, I believe that EVERYONE, including those of you that have a stomach of steel (if that is you, no offense but I secretly envy/curse you!), can benefit from giving your stomach a break from the countless packs of gels, cubes, jelly beans, gummies, blocks, etc. and to experiment with more natural options! Why?  Below are just a few of the many reasons.

•    Variation! Variation! Variation! Have you ever finished a marathon and did not want to see another gel pack?  Just as it can be boring to eat the same cereal every morning, it can be boring to always ingest the same food during your workouts.  Although I do not necessarily suggest trying out new things late in the season or right before a race, early in the season is a good time to play around.

•    Your digestive system will thank you!  In general, it takes more work for you digestive system to break down processed foods.  Plus, many of the commercial sports nutrition products are filled with ingredients that you cannot even pronounce and that can wreak havoc on your digestive system.  Initially this may not be such a big deal and may go unnoticed, but as the months go by it can take a toll of your digestive system. 
•    It can be cheaper!  The price of these commercial products adds up.  Typically you pay $1.50-2.00 for each packet, and you may be consuming 1-3 per workout, several times a week.  Start adding that up and see what you spend in a week, in a month etc. Making your own food is usually less expansive.
•    Natural is better!  The saying “simple is best” applies here too.  In many cases, natural alternative such as dates, bananas, pureed fruit etc. will have a higher nutritional content (and less of the extra stuff that your body do not need) compared to the commercial products. 

Going “au naturel” can be daunting, especially if you have a sensitive tummy and/or if you are uncertain as to what and how much to consume.  And let’s face it-many times we opt for the off-the-shelf products because it can be convenient.  But I speak from experience when I say that going au naturel can be easier than you think.  If fact, a good starting point is to meet with a dietician or nutritionist; he or she can give you some simple ideas and make sure that you are meeting your needs with respect carbs, sodium, electrolytes etc.   My other suggestion is to start small.  I am not saying that you need to give up the convenience (and perhaps preference) of you gel packs and jellybeans.  It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.  Start by replacing one serving during your workout.  Or start with one workout a week

I went au naturel last spring (with thanks to an initial consult with one of our fellow MDI runner and Sports Nutritionist Tara Postnikoff) and below are some of my favorite options:

•    Run free!  If my workout is less than an hour and is not very intense, I take a pass on the sugar altogether.  This includes both sports drinks and food.  
•    Dried dates are a regular staple for me, especially on my bike rides now.  I learned from experience that dried apricots, on the other hand, are not the best choice (too high in fibre).
•    Baby pureed fruit packages - I'm hooked on 'em! I buy the ones that only contain natural ingredients.  Costco even sells them in bulk!
•    Self-serve sports drink - in the summer, I make my own sports drink that contains just water, sea salt and honey or maple syrup (note: this is sweet so I suggest playing around with this).
•    Self-serve energy balls - I make my own energy balls that contain only dates, nuts, carob powder, honey and salt (see recipe). They are so yummy that my kids eat them as dessert.  Simply put them in the freezer and take out whatever you need just before your workout. They carry exceptionally well in a ziploc baggy.
•    Self-serve energy bars - for post workout, I like to make my own energy bars that are packed with carbs and protein.  My favorite recipe is “Cleaning-the-Cupboard” Bars (see recipe).  The recipe is very flexible and I basically use whatever I find in the cupboard, as long as I stick to the basic portions.  As a special bonus, try putting it in the microwave for 10 seconds to melt the few chocolate chips. Trust me, you will be craving them during your workout!

My results? I am happy to say that my tummy is much happier-both during and after my workouts.  And I’m enjoying having more options and variety.  In fact, I find it easier and more convenient to bake a quick batch of energy balls than to run to the store at the last minute when my stash of gels runs low.  And now that I training harder than ever, such reasons are that much more important to me!  

Energy Balls

1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon carob powder or unsweetened cocoa powder
½ cup pitted dates
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup your choice of nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans etc)
pinch of sea salt (more in summer months)

In food processor, process nuts to a fine meal.  Add dates, vanilla, carob powder, honey and salt and process again until mixture forms a dough.  Roll them into small balls.  Store in fridge for a week or in a freezer for longer. 

Cleaning-the-Cupboard Energy Bars
Mix the following dry ingredients in a large bowl:
2 cups quick cooking oats
2 cups of flour (use a variety-I tend to use spelt and/or different versions of gluten-free flours)
2 cups of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds or combo
½ cup unsweetened shredded coconuts
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoon salt
¾ cup chocolate chips
1 ½ cups raisins, craisins, chopped dates, or chopped apricots (I usually use dates or apricots)
1 cup oat bran or wheat germ or hemp hearts or combo (I usually use hemp hearts and chia seeds)

In small bowl, combine the following:
¼ cup water
¼ cup molasses
¾ c oil or applesauce (I use applesauce)
1 cup of any type of milk (I usually use rice milk)
½ cup of honey

Mix liquid ingredients into dry ingredients.  Mix well. Line a large baking pan (I use my lasagna pan) with parchment paper so that it goes over the edges of the pan.  Dump the contents into the pan and then spread with a spatula (or damp hands) so that the entire area is firm and flat.  Cut the mixture into the size of the bar that you want (24-32 pieces) with a spoon or spatula so that you don’t cut the parchment paper.  Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.  Let cool and then re-cut.  Stores well in fridge or freezer.

Jennifer FJennifer Faraone has succeeded as a top-ranked distance runner (personal bests of 35min for 10K, and 1:18 for the Half marathon), and enjoys cycling and trail running, and has even represented Canada at the World Mountain Running Championships.  When not running, she's ultra-busy with parenting her two young children, baking and discovering new red wines.

Congrats Jennifer on winning the 2012 Five Peaks Southern Ontario Elite Trail Championship. You still got it girl!

It Runs In The Family...

By Kristin Dalzell, Marathon Dynamics Runner

Aunt BunIf you ran the Sporting Life 10k, or maybe if you saw the front page of Monday’s Star, I’d like to introduce you to my Aunt Bun. That’s her, just to the left of the massive sea of humanity hurtling down Yonge St! She was there when I ran my first 10K seven years ago, and she was there earlier this month when I ran a PB of 40:26 at Sporting Life.

Coach Kev suggested that I write something up about my evolution as a runner over the last several years, and I couldn’t think of any better way to start than to point out my luck at having my family & friends supporting me. Forgive me if that’s almost a cliché at this point – but I have a feeling you’ve been thinking about this lately, too.

One of the best things I read in the aftermath of Boston this year was this article my friend Matt posted on Facebook, ‘The People Who Watch Marathons’. In a way, that was the most difficult thing for me to grasp that day – that anyone would hurt those people who are just the best society has to offer – the ones who are out there absolutely selflessly just to cheer and encourage other regular people in a crazy endeavor. The spectators are up early and on their feet all day too, and they don’t get the shiny medal, the prestigious race jacket, or the endorphins. And yet, “Without those people, a marathon would just be an exercise in self-abuse from a large group of crazies.” The spectators are what makes the Boston Marathon. I hope they know that!

I've achieved way more than I ever would've believed possible when I started running more seriously with Marathon Dynamics. But the foundation for me has always been that my family was genuinely interested in my pursuits and forever asking about my next race. They've seen me basically overhaul my lifestyle & they acknowledge it – with oversized purple plastic hands from Dollarama, clacking away at the 2k, 10k, 12k mark.

Behind every dedicated runner, I suspect there’s an equally dedicated bunch of family & friends who somehow find the strength to put up with us. I know I’ve met many of your long-suffering spouses at the various MDI gatherings! I loved this video when US track star Lauren Fleshman posted it to twitter with a caption about ‘how my family sees me when I’m in training’ - click here

It’s an amazing thing, how cheering spectators can elevate the experience of running to another level. Knowing I’m going to have familiar faces along the route makes me feel connected, loved, and lucky. In all things I am average, but they can make me feel like an Olympian!

Even if they're not there every time, I get to carry this picture in my head forever.

support team

Kristin DalzellKristin Dalzell is an exceptional example of how well the Marathon Dynamics philosophy of training and customized plan approach works.  She's improved from a 1:50 half marathoner to a 3:08 Boston Marathoner in less than 3 years, and holds the record for most consistent closest to prediction race performances (incredibly, she's never more than seconds off!)

Look for more to come from Kristin, both at the races and over the internet, as she's graciously agreed to assist Marathon Dynamics with our social media efforts in the coming year (via blog and twitter). 


Marathon Dynamics

Customized Training Plans & Coaching

Summer-Fall '13 Training Groups Start SOON!

6 great groups, at locations from east Toronto to east Oakville.

Click here for complete info. All sessions are 6:30-8pm, unless noted)

  1. MONDAYS - EAST Toronto
    • Absolute Endurance/Mt. Pleasant Cemetery...starts Jun 3rd
  2. TUESDAYS (6AM) - WEST Toronto
    • High Park - Grenadier Restaurant...starts Jun 4th
    • Runner's Mark, Port Credit...starts Jun 4th
    • Central Tech HS track...starts Jun 5th
  5. THURSDAYS (6AM) - MIDTOWN Toronto
    • Lawrence Park Collegiate track...starts Jun 6th
    • Oakville Trafalgar HS track...starts Jun 6th

Our "Winning Edge Guarantee" is BACK!

Worked so well in 2012, that we're at it again in 2013.

"Halwinning edgef back" guarantee on coaching fees: if you'll commit to training with us this season (training plan and coaching, at least 4 months), we WILL help you improve your personal best half or full marathon time by (at least) 3%. If that doesn't happen (subject to a few conditions and restrictions - click here for full details), we'll credit 50% of paid coaching fees upon request toward next season, or refund same amount if not.

3% improvement doesn't sound like much? For 4hr marathoners, that's over 7 minutes! For 1:45 half marathoners, that's well over 3 minutes! Click here for a table which shows race time improvements based on your current PBs.  At the bottom, you can even enter your exact current PB and it will calculate your guaranteed improvement.

Register before June 15th (online registration is now open) for a Customized Training Plan and 4 months (min) of ANY level of Personal or E-Coaching, and your "Winning Edge Guarantee" goes into effect.

If you’re new to Marathon Dynamics we feel that on every front—from our staff, to our systems, to our services—we can provide the best training plans & personal running coaching, and deliver the best results, for the best price.  To find out more about our how our Customized Training Plans work, please click here, and if you’d like more information on our Personal Coaching Services, please click here, and to find out more about who our coaches themselves are, please click here.

* Initial Testing for new Customized Training Plans is available at all sites thru the months of June and July but please call/email to notify us of your attendance at least 24hrs in advance (alternatively, self-testing is an here for further instructions).

If you’d like to “tawk shawp” re: your goals and plans for next season, the best time to reach Coach Kev for a free consultation is between now and June 3rd (10am-4pm).  After that, we kick into gear and things get a little crazy,  so call soon...905 891-3197

Your Faithful Marathon Dynamics Coaches,

Kevin, Jackie, Michelle, Bruce, Steve, Jennifer, Dera


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Panel content goes here.
Run The Great Wall!  

Ever dreamed of running the Great Wall of China Marathon?

MDI runner Josi Mori-Stoodley did ...and made her dream a reality!

Click here to read her account, and here to learn more about it if interested in doing it yourself!

 Josie Great Wall

Thanks MDI Sponsors!

Absolute Endurance

Physical EdgeMizuno LogoClif Bar Logo

New China Visit Tour Logo Road Warrior 

My Barefooters  Downsview Half MaraRunners Mark
New MDI Runner Andrew Auerbach  

"I have a hectic schedule and couldn't commit to fixed group runs. Kevin created a customized training plan for me and was always available for e-coaching. Marathon Dynamics prepared me to qualify for Boston with a PB of 3:11. Even better I beat my marathon time last October by 22 minutes! I'm looking forward to working with Marathon Dynamics for Boston. I know the group work would have been ideal but Marathon Dynamics was able to tailor a program around my needs."

Andrew Auerbach

In This Issue  

Tumult & Triumph - Spring 2013 Recap

The NON-Running Injury - By Kevin Smith

Going "Au Naturel" - By Jennifer Faraone

It Runs In The Family - By Kristin Dalzell

Marathon Dynamics News

A Happy MDI Runner
You really have brought me to a place I never thought I would see. I never imagined I’d be able to deliver the race result that I did this past year. I’m still in disbelief of the time in fact!  I've vastly improved through your coaching.  You took me from a 4:02 marathon where I thought I left everything I had on the course down to a 3:19 in 3 years – with a Boston Q to show for it as a bonus!"

Ken Moscoe
This just in...

Don Campbell

I would like to thank Marathon Dynamics for designing a customized training plan. Coach Kev provided me with e-coaching which made my dream of qualifying for Boston a reality. I am so proud of my accomplishment and know I could not have done it without MDI. Thank you very much!!  Don Campbell
Another Success Story  
I'd achieved some success making my own training plans, but I felt I could improve and didn't know how. With the experience, knowledge, and technical expertise of Marathon Dynamics, I've been able to bring my half marathon PB from 1:48 to 1:34! I also ran my first marathon, and I'm heading to Boston next April.  If you have the drive and determination, MDI can take care of the planning that ultimately produces your dream results. You'll marvel at coach Kevin's ability to assess your fitness and predict your race day results. You'll arrive at the starting line feeling super confident and ultra-prepared.

Kristin Dalzell after her 1st year with MDI

And Rave Some More!
"Marathon Dynamics coaches offer a positive focused atmosphere for people at a variety of skill levels, which is something I very much appreciate. Their friendly encouragement has worked like a tonic to inspire me to push through my own obstacles and reach my traing goals. This is one of the most intense activities I’ve been involved with; I get to with feel the burn and the joy...marvellous!"
Jacquie Jacobs - qualified for Boston at her debut marathon in her 1st season with MDI
MDI Runners Rule!
"I just wanted to say THANKS!  Without you, your help and support, my PB result at the Ottawa marathon (3:26) would not have been possible.  You went the extra mile with me (pun intended!), by giving up a lot of your time to teach and coach me through each and every concern I had (which I know were many!).  You believed in me that I could accomplish my goal…and made it really easy - all I had to do was to follow your program.

I am truly grateful and you have made me a better runner!"

New Marathon Dynamics Runner David Gauthier, who improved his marathon PB by 23 minutes

Marathon Dynamics Runners Rave  

MDI Rocks! Why? The Personalized Training Plan and the Weekly Group Coaching. I did both. The result? 18 weeks later I qualified for Boston! The Plan was personalized for me, advocated cross training combined with a sensible number of non running days and was easy to follow. So I was realistically able to manage life outside running. And bonus...when I needed my Plan to be tweaked (due to really rough winter weather) it was easily done.

The Weekly Group Coaching got me ‘out there’ with other runners (of all abilities) and my professional MDI Coach. The coaches are runners too and were adept at keeping me on track (literally!) with my Plan by providing encouragement, advice (by email, phone or in person at the weekly workouts) and good jokes! Boston here I come!

MDI Runner Katie Thomas improved her marathon PB by over 15 min and qualified for Boston

and even more!  
“Thanks to Kevin Smith and the Marathon Dynamics approach to training, I was able to fulfill a personal dream - to qualify for the Boston Marathon.  By joining the Marathon Dynamics team and following their program, I was able to improve my marathon PB from 3:57 to 3:19 in just one year!” 

“Even more important to me is that Kevin works really hard to foster a friendly and supportive team environment throughout training and coaching sessions... As a result, I have been able to establish incredible new friendships with some great people that share my passion for running.” 

New Marathon Dynamics Runner Harvey Foote 

MDI-er Susan Kallsen

"if you follow the program you WILL get results. By following my Marathon Dynamics program faithfully I went from a 4:15 marathon to a 3:52 marathon and on to qualify for Boston. I then successfully used that program for a number of repeat performances (so it wasn’t just a “fluke”). The results are in the program – you do the time, you will see the results. And remember, if they say jump, you say how high!"

Long-time MDI runner Susan McCallum  

You are a genius! Your plans are magic. Do the work, run the race and get the time you worked for! So happy. 49:03 is an "age equivalent" PB for me!

Thanks've never let me down!

MDI Runner Stephan Steen  
"I had run 10 marathons and really needed something extra to boost my performance level if I was ever going to qualify for Boston.  With the help of MDI I managed to shave over 13 minutes off my PB at the Mississauga Marathon!  Without the MDI program and their support I could never have done so well"

Jumpin' on the Praise Train
"MDI does a fantastic job of tailoring your training to you. The plans are very detailed, the support is fantastic, and the results speak for themselves. Kevin really knows his stuff and his approach is both resolute and flexible at the same time. I look forward to working with them again to take the next step in my running.

MDI runner Glen Way improved his marathon PB by over 10 min in his first year with MDI (3:08 for a Boston Qualifier)
Bev Whelan - 3:07 debut!  

"Marathon Dynamics’ training program showed me that if I run the race the right way, I can break 3 hours.

My first marathon was painful, but the training for it was a lot of fun, and I would definitely recommend Marathon Dynamics to anyone. Whether you’re aiming for a particular time, or your goal is just to finish, the coaches will design a program that will help you safely and enjoyably reach your goal"

MDI Runner Benoit Keppenne  

"8 months ago I was immobilized on an hospital bed with severe injuries suffered in a horrible motorcycle accident. I just ran my half marathon in 1:29--an 8 min PB!

This would not have happened without MDI's help. The personal plans are very effective at keeping you focussed & the camaraderie of the group running sessions and coaches push you to the limit without you even noticing it!"


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